Royal House of Neustria
The Ancient Kingdom of Neustria
Royal Order Knights of Neustria
The Illustrious Royal House of MacDonnell Lamont Couto d’ Chandos
The Sacred the Military Order Templar Knights of the Lord Lamont Couto
Sovereign Order of The Knights of The Lord Lamont Couto

“The O'Neill dynasty, The link of King William the Conqueror and distant cousin of the Queen Elizabeth II through Nicholas Ashe (or Esshe) and Rollo Duke of Normandy"
Lord Lamont Couto d' Chandos, has royal and noble descent. His courtesy titles are legitimate and recognized by descent.
Descending from families and dynasties:
Carolingian, Merovingian, Ottonian, Yngling, Capetian, Anjou, Plantagenet, Burgundy, Rurik, Hohenstaufen, Munsöätten, Cometopuli, Wessex, Visigoths, Astur-Leonese, Uí Néill, Alpínid and Iñiguez.
The ancestors of Lord Lamont Couto d’Chandos of Normandy des grands Carolingiens von Hohestaufen of Munsöätten of Eysteinsson of Møre and Romsdal of Burgundy of Anjou were the first English and French kings of the Angevin Empire, Carolingian dynasty, Merovingian dynasty, Royal Dynasty of Gwynedd, Julio-Claudian Dynasty, Nerva–Antonine Dynasty, Royal House of Troy, Yngling Dynasty, Capetian dynasty Plantagenet dynasty, Rurik dynasty and Munsöätten dynasty. Among his illustrious grandparents we can quote:
Rollo - Duke of Normandy, Count of Rouen was a Viking who became the first ruler of Normandy, Rollo, through his descendent William I of England, the seventh Duke of Normandy (founder of house Normandy), is the 32nd great-grandfather of Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom; Gaius Octavius Augustus Caesar, the first Emperor of Rome; Julia Augusta Caesonia The Elder Caesaris filia, Dynasty Julio-Claudian; Gnaeus Pompeius Magnus, Pompey the Great; Marcus Aurelius Antoninus, Nerva–Antonine dynasty; Commodus, Emperor of Rome, Nerva–Antonine dynasty; Lucius Ceionius Commodus Verus, Roman Emperor, Nerva–Antonine dynasty; Emperor Eutropius of The Roman Empire; Saint Matilda of Ringelheim, who was of "royal Danish and Frisian blood”; Emma, of Alemannia, Duchess of Swabia; Hedwig of Babenberg, Duchess of Saxony, Elder House of Babenberg; Widukind, dux Saxonum; Prince Aeneas of Troy, Royal House of Troy; King Brutus I of the Britons “Legendary Brutus of Troy”, Royal House of Troy; Neleus, King of Pylos (Mycenae); Adrastus, King of Argos; llus of Troy, King of Troy; Themiste, Queen of Dardania; Faunus "Lupercus", King of Latium; Ascanius, king of Alba Longa and is the son of the Trojan hero Aeneas and Creusa, daughter of Priam; Rhea Silvia, also known as Ilia, Princess of Alba Longa; Numa Pompilius, king of Rome; Cônsul Quintus Marcius Rex; Rex Ancus Marcius, Rex of Rome; Founder of Cornwall Corineus;Cunedda Wledig "Imperator" ab Edern, Brenin Lothain a Gwenydd, Progenitor of the royal dynasty of Gwynedd; Owain Gwynedd ap Gruffydd, King of Gwynedd from Kingdom of Gwynedd, Royal dynasty of Gwynedd; Dagobert I Neustrie, Merovingian king;King Alfred the Great, House of Wessex Cerdicingas; King William The Conqueror,House of Normandy; Henry II of England, Plantagenet dynasty and House of Angevin;Edmund "Crouchback" Plantagenet 1st Earl of Lancaster and Leicester;Eleanor of Lancaster Plantagenet, House of Plantagenet and Lancaster;Fulk, King of Jerusalem;Ingegerd Olofsdotter of Sweden, Munsöätten dynasty of House of Yngling;Rurik, Prince of Ladoga and Novgorod; Ivan Vladislav Tsar of Bulgaria, Cometopuli dynasty;Yaroslav I of Kiev, Rurik dynasty; Zbyslava of Kiev Rurikid Duchess of Poland, was a Kievan Rus' princess member of the Rurikid dynasty;Helgi "The Sharp", King of Ringerike, House of Yngling; Fornjot, King of Kvenland,House of Yngling;Chindasuinth, Visigothic King and Empereur d'Espagne; Clovis I, King of the Franks, Merovingian dynasty;Arnulf of Metz, Frankish bishop of Metz, Merovingian dynasty;Charles Martel - Duke and Prince of the Franks, House of Carolingian (founder) and House of Arnulfings; Emperor Carolus Magnus, Carolingian dynasty; Princess Hildegarde de Vintzgau; Pelagius of Asturias, Astur-Leonese dynasty; Niall of the Nine Hostages, was an Irish king, the ancestor of the Uí Néill dynasties; Kenneth I (Cináed mac Ailpín), Alpínid dynasty, Clann Chináeda, and Clann Chinaeda meic Ailpín;King of Germany Henry I "The Fowler”, Ottonian dynasty;Otto "the Illustrious" von Sachsen Duke of Saxony, Ottonian dynasty;Reginhilde of Friesland;Princess Aslaug Sigurdsdatter of Denmark; Ragnar Lodbrok of Denmark and Sweden; Princess Geva of Denmark; Friedrich I Barbarossa Holy Roman Emperor, Hohenstaufen dynasty; Gian Galeazzo Visconti, 1st Duke of Milan, House of Visconti; Hugh Capet, King of the Franks, Capetian dynasty; Philip I of France, Capetian dynasty; Anne of Kiev, Rurik dynasty; Elizabeth of Vermandois, Countess of Leicester, House of Capet; Robert de Beaumont, 2nd Earl of Leicester; William IX Duke of Aquitaine, first Knight Templar, belongs to the Anjou dynasty;Sir John Chandos of the Garter, Viscount of Saint-Sauveur in the Cotentin, Constable of Aquitaine, Seneschal of Poitou;Queen Eleanor of Aquitaine, House of Poitiers;King Solomon of Yisrael, House of David; Rabbi Yahia Ben Yahia III;Íñigo Arista of Pamplona, Iñiguez dynasty and Navarrese dynasty; Manuel de Castela, House Castilian House of Ivrea; King D. Afonso Henriques, House of Burgundy and Afonsine Dynasty (founder);King Afonso III of Portugal House of Burgundy and Afonsine Dynasty; Philippe Simas Martel Chandos d’Aquitaine, House of Aquitaine.
Grand Magistry
The only one with full powers to dissolve the "Grand Magistry", make decisions and speak on behalf of the order is Grand Master Prince Lamont Couto d'Chandos and his direct blood heir.
Since the beginning of the order in the year 1356 only the grand master has full powers to represent the order.
The law of hierarchy requires that all without exception in the degrees of Grand Chancellor and "Installed Master" (1st Class and 2st Class), Grand Prefect (1st Class and 2st Class), Grand Prior (1st Class and 2st Class), Grand Treasurer, Grand Secretary, Sovereign Grand Cross (SGCC) , Grand Cross (GCC), Grand Commander (GCOMC), Grand Official (GOC), Commander (COMC), Official (OC) , Sovereign knight (Sk) , Grand Knight (GK) and Knight (KN) report to the grand master for any matter involving the order.
Past Grand Master
Emeritus Grand Master Sir. John Chandos, Viscount of Saint-Sauveur in the Cotentin, Constable of Aquitaine, Seneschal of Poitou (Deceased) strong supporter Edward of Woodstock, known to history as the Black Prince.
Emeritus Grand Master Philippe Simas Martel Chandos d'Aquitaine (Deceased)
Grand Master
Lord Lamont Couto d’Chandos of Normandy des grands Carolingiens von Hohestaufen of Munsöätten of Eysteinsson of Møre and Romsdal of Burgundy of Anjou, His royal highness, by the grace of God, Grand Prince of Kingdom of Neustria and Prince the Principality of Château of Saint Sauveur, 72th Grand Master of the Order and Head of the Royal House Neustria and Royal House of MacDonnell Lamont Couto d’ Chandos. The Grand Master is supported by a Royal Deputation within the Order’s Grand Magistry in Ireland, Scotland the United Kingdom.
Lord Keeper of the Great Seal
H.R.H Thiago Lamont Couto de Chandos
Grand Chancellor and "Installed Master"
Sir. John Albert Solomon von Hohenstaufen, 1st Class;
KH Chris Winter Großfürst von Kerry, The Grand Prince of Kerry, HRH Duke of Waterford and Wexford, 2st Class.
Grand Prefect
Sir. Heron de Savoie , 1st Class;
Sir. Paul Hughes, 2st Class;
Grand Prior
Sir. Arthur P. Roberts, 1st Class;
Sir. Agenor D. B. Medeiros, 2st Class;
Grand Treasurer
Sir. Gael W. Niall
Grand Secretary
Sir. Richard Smith
Royal Deputation
President of the Royal Deputation
Lord Lamont Couto d' Chandos
Hon. Ambassador Col. Sir. Samuel Verniero, Jr. and Sir. Jason Rodrigues de la Cruz - Delegation of United States
Sheriff Ron Sindelar - Delegation of United States of America.
Sir. Scott Mackenzie - Delegation of Scotland.
Sir. Klaus Muller and Sir. Orlando Mardner - Delegation of United Kingdom.
Sir. Nicolas I, Patriarch - Delegation of France.
Sir. Joachim Bleeck and Sir. Hans Günter Dahn - Delegation of Deutschland.
Sir. Svetoslav Vasilev - Delegation of Bulgaria.
H.R.H . Prince Nick Bagrationi, Sir. Angelo Mistretta and Sir. Emanuele Mosca - Delegation of Georgia and Italy
Sir. Radovan Velemir- Delegation of Romania.
Sir. Adrian Nebesny - Delegation of Canada.
Sir. Roger I C Hansell and Sir.Biswajit Bob Ganguly - Delegation of New York / Washington - US, Canada and India.
Sir. John Keen and Sir. Josué I, Archbishop - Delegation of South America.
Luca d'Burgundy
Charlie von Schwaben
H.R.H. Joyce Leia de Leão e Castela e Borgonha D’ Schwaben e Hohenstaufen
He. Ambassador Denisa Gokovi
Sir. Radovan Velemir
Princess Maja von Hohenzollern
Lady Irina von Behr of The Austria-Hungary and Prussian Empires
Lady Denisa Gokovi
Lady Egla of Hoppland
Lady Mariana Carrizo de Becerra de Olivieri
Lady Maria Helena Perez del Cerro Jurado y Cossio
Lady Pauline Déroulède
Lady Sophie Pouget
Sir Arthur Montagu-Habsburg
Mr. Henry Fitzroy-Hohenzollern
The Right Honourable Lord Edward Talbot-Capet
Lady Beatrice Somerset-Bourbon ( United Nations - UN Pass)
Dame Alice Plantagenet-Oldenburg ( United Nations - UN Pass)
Sir William Howard-Wettin ( United Nations - UN Pass)
Col. Agenor D. B. Medeiros ( United Nations - UN Pass)

72th Crown Grand Master of the Sovereign Order and Head of the Royal House of Neustria and the Royal House of MacDonnell Lamont Couto d’ Chandos
His Royal Highness Lamont Couto d’Chandos of Normandy des Grands Carolingiens von Hohestaufen of Munsöätten of Eysteinsson of Møre and Romsdal of Burgundy of Anjou
His royal highness, by the grace of God, Grand Prince of Kingdom of Neustria and Prince the Principality of Château of Saint Sauveur in the Cotentin.

Royal House MacDonnell Lamont Couto d'Chandos

Grand Chanceler of the Order and of Royal House of MacDonnell Lamont Couto d’ Chandos
Sir. John Albert Solomon von Hohenstaufen
Master of The Sacred The Military Order Templar Knights of the Lord Lamont Couto

Royal House MacDonnell Lamont Couto d'Chandos
Son Altesse Sérénissime Prince du sang de France, House of Capet
S.A.R Thiago Lamont Couto de Chandos
As a direct blood heir to the first English and French kings of numerous dynasties - including the Angevin, Julio-Claudian, Carolingian, Merovingian, the Royal Dynasty of Gwynedd, the Royal House of Troy, the Yngling, Capetian, the Royal House of Normandy, Plantagenet, Rurik, and Munsöätten.
Royal House MacDonnell Lamont Couto d'Chandos
Princess of Swabia
H.R.H. Joyce Leia de Leão e Castela e Borgonha D’ Schwaben e Hohenstaufen
Your ancestors were of Roman Emperors, English Kings, German Kings, French Kings, Portuguese Kings, Ottonian dynasty, Salian dynasty and Hohenstaufen dynasty.
Royal House of Hohenstaufen
Prince Julio Cesar Becerra Ibanez de Pelliza von Schwaben✠
Prince Julio Cesar of Arpad House
Prince Arpad, Duque de Aguiar, Marchese D'Ancona, Conde de Porto Santo, Count of the Bar-Sur-Seine of the Ancient Kingdom of Neustrie, Vizconde de Narbonne, Baron of Stockwell
The International Society for Nobility and Heraldy
honor descriptionArbitral award pursuant to the provision of article 832 and related articles of the Code of Civil Procedure and of article 1.1 of the New York Convention of June 10, 1958 on the recognition and enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards, in the dispute from the agreement of march 23, 2017.
Dated: Madrid, May 8th., 2017.
Lord Baron of Stockwell
United Kingdom of Great Britain, Lordship of the Manor of Barony of Stockwell, London
honor descriptionAppointment of New Lord of the Manor, Manorial Court Baron of Lordship
of the Manor of Stockwell, in the County of London, United Kingdom of Great Britain.
To All and Singular the Feudal Lords and Barons of the United Kingdom of Great Britain.
Incorporeal Feudal Rights.
Signed Sealed and Delivered, Manorial Domini Villicum by Stephen Evans. Court Roll No. 30-11-16-01.
Including Full rights of Usage and Ownership of the Manor or Lordships or reputed Manor or
Lordship of Lord Baron of Stockwell in the County of London, Great Britain.
Duke of Ragusa et Dalmatia, Grand Count of Transylvania XXIII.
Imperial Patriarchate of Czwenowicz
honor descriptionImperial Letter Charter Patent dated on December 26th., 2016., by the Grand Principality of Erdely
Transylvania Siebenburgen Ardeal Carpathia, Imperial Patriarchate of Czernowicz, Military Banate
of Hungary. With all rights of inheritance of created Noble title by Blood Lines and Royal Laws,
Grand Prince of Arpad and the Royal House of Arpad & Szeben von Siebenburgen XXXIV - Granted by the Byzantine Orthodox Church in California..
Imperial Patriarchate of Czernowicz, Military Banate of Hungary. Byzantine Orthodox Church in California.
honor descriptionImperial Letter Charter Patent

Princess Maja von Hohenzollern
Dame of the Order of the Neustria and Illustrious Royal House of MacDonnell Lamont Couto d’ Chandos

Baroness Irina von Behr of The Austria-Hungary and Prussian Empires
Dame of the Order of the Neustria and Illustrious Royal House of MacDonnell Lamont Couto d’ Chandos

Prince Jarl Alexander Ale de Basseville of Normandy duGrand de Robertiens von Wittelsbach of Eysteinsson de Morle de Mohere of Heidmark
Degree of Grand Knight The Military Order Templar Knights of the Lord Lamont Couto

Sir. Klaus Schwab
Degree of Knight The Military Order Templar Knights of the Lord Lamont Couto

Duke Sergey von der Wolff
Degree of Knight The Military Order Templar Knights of the Lord Lamont Couto
Duchess Marina von der Wolff
Dame of the Order of the Neustria and Illustrious Royal House of MacDonnell Lamont Couto d’ Chandos

Lady Egla of Hoppland
Dame of the Order of the Neustria and Illustrious Royal House of MacDonnell Lamont Couto d’ Chandos
His Royal Highness Prince Nick Bagrationi Betaneli Bagration✠
Degree of Grand Knight The Military Order Templar Knights of the Lord Lamont Couto
Bagrationi Design | Luxury Corporate Designer

Lady Mariana Carrizo de Becerra de Olivieri
Dame of the Order of the Neustria and Illustrious Royal House of MacDonnell Lamont Couto d’ Chandos

Hon. Ambassador Col. Sir Dr. Samuel Verniero, Jr.✠
The Honorable Samuel Verniero, Ph.D., MS, MA, possesses a wealth of leadership, humanitarian, government, political and diplomatic experiences. He has worked with the United Nations in various capacities. He is a distinguished and honored Knight Templar, and has been recognized and commissioned as an Honorable Colonel by many state Governors, Lieutenant Governors, and Secretary of States.

Maria Helena Perez del Cerro Jurado y Cossio
Dame of the Order of the Neustria and Illustrious Royal House of MacDonnell Lamont Couto d’ Chandos

Sheriff Sir. Ron Sindelar.✠
Degree of Grand Knight The Military Order Templar Knights of the Lord Lamont Couto

Sir. Angelo Mistretta✠ 🌿🔺🌞
Degree of Knight The Military Order Templar Knights of the Lord Lamont Couto
Royal Deputation

Sir. John Keen✠
Degree of Knight The Military Order Templar Knights of the Lord Lamont Couto
Royal Deputation

Sir. Adrian Nebesny✠
Degree of Knight The Military Order Templar Knights of the Lord Lamont Couto
Royal Deputation

Sir. Zef Bushati✠
Degree of Knight The Military Order Templar Knights of the Lord Lamont Couto
Royal Deputation

Sir. Radovan Velemir, Dr, Phd.
Degree of Grand Knight
Royal Deputation
Sociologist, University of Bucharest, Faculty of Philosophy, Sociology specialization. Phd. Sociology, University of Bucharest, PhD, Social and Political Sciences. Postgraduate in public administration / civil servants driving /, Organizational Management, National Institute of Administration, Bucharest. DIPLOME POSTUNIVERSITAIRE DE SPECIALISATION EN'' POULATION ET DEVELOPPEMENT'', CENTRE DEMOGRAPHIQUE O.N.U.-ROUMANIE. Certificate diploma, Three-step training program for social child protection specialists, USAID, WORLD LEARNING CHILDNET PROGRAM, UNICEF, CRIPS. Certificate of Developer, DFID, MMSS,BIRKS SINCLAIR&ASSOCIATESLTD. Other certifications: Project manager. Trainer. Mediator. Expert in social work, Measuring poverty and social exclusion. Fundamentals of Public Administration. Social Management. Social services development.


Sir. Nicolas I, Patriarch
Degree of Honour Knight - Raised by acclaim to the highest level of Official (OC)
Royal Deputation

Patriarcat Orthodoxe des Nations - Paris, la France
Chapelle Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Tendresse

The Most Reverend Josué I, Archbishop

His Excellency,
The Most Reverend Bp. Prof. S. Vasilev.
Archbishop of Serdica