Restored as a non-territorial State in 2019, practicing Templar Chivalry as a modern way of life.
Government of Principality of Château of Saint Sauveur and the Sacred the Military Order Templar Knights of the Lord Lamont Couto:
Constitutional Parliament of Sovereign Non-Territorial Principality
Constitutional Government of Principality of Château of Saint Sauveur and the Sacred the Military Order Templar Knights of the Lord Lamont Couto as an independent non-territorial Principality, as a sovereign subject of international law in diplomatic relations, serving as the Templar nation-state.
Château of Saint Sauveur - Normandy, is a Decentralized Sovereign Principality and Templar nation-state.
The principality of Château of Saint Sauveur, since its inception, has always possessed independent sovereignty with inherent governmental capacity:
The principality of Château of Saint Sauveur was originally granted Royal patronage with autonomous sovereignty by King Charles III “the Simple”, including rights “in perpetuity” , such that the“Rollo / Rouen" and descendants were not directly responsible to any secular monarch”, nor to any Church.As a non-territorial sovereign Principality of independent statehood, the Sacred the Military Order Templar Knights of the Lord Lamont Couto legally holds the status of a “sovereign subject of international law” based upon its authentic substance. As the state representing the “nationality” of cultural Templarism in world affairs, it is sometimes also properly referred to as a “nation-state”. The Order thereby inherently possesses full Diplomatic status for official international relations.
The principality of Château of Saint Sauveur was established by "Rollo / Rouen" protector of Normandy, with his death was passed on to his son "William Longsword”. Rollo (Norman: Rou; Old Norse: Hrólfr; French: Rollon; c. 860 - c. 930 AD) was a noble Viking warrior who became the first ruler of Normandy, a region in the north of France. He emerged as the remarkable warrior among the Norsemen who had secured a permanent base on free land in the lower Seine valley. After the siege of Chartres in 911, Charles the Simple, the King of Western France, offered them land between the mouth of the Seine. Rollo was first registered as the leader of these Viking settlers in a letter of 918, and continued to reign over the Normandy region until at least 928. He was succeeded by his son William Longsword in the Duchy of Normandy which he had founded. Given "Rollo / Rouen" and its hinterland in return for the alliance with the Franks, it was agreed upon that it was in the interest of both Rollo himself and his Frankish allies to extend his authority over Viking settlers. This would appear to be the motive for later concessions to the Vikings of the Seine, which are mentioned in other records of the time. When Charles III abdicated the throne to Rudolph of France, Rollo felt that his pledge and oaths to the kings of France null and void, and began raiding in the west to expand his territory, putting pressure on other rulers to propose another compromise. The need for an agreement was particularly urgent when Robert I, successor of Charles III, was killed in 923. Rudolph was recorded as sponsoring a new agreement by which a group of Norsemen were conceded the provinces of the Bessin and Maine. These settlers were presumed to be Rollo and his associates, moving their authority westward from the Seine valley.
After the Norman conquest of England and its conquest of southern Italy and Sicily for the next two centuries, his descendants came to rule Norman England (the House of Normandy), much of the island of Ireland, the Kingdom of Sicily (the Kings of Sicily) as well as the Principality of Antioch from the 10th to 12th century, leaving behind a lasting legacy in the histories of Europe and the Near East.
Family documents have proven that Fornjot, King of Kvenland is the grandfather of Rollo - Duke of Normandy, Count of Rouen was a Viking who became the first ruler of Normandy, Rollo, through his descendent William I of England, the seventh Duke of Normandy, is the 32nd great-grandfather of Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom. One daughter of Rollo, Gerloc (also known as Adele), who married William III, Duke of Aquitaine, was mentioned by Dudo.
Fornjot, King of Kvenland is the direct grandfather of Lord Lamont Couto d' Chandos, being the supreme Lord Lamont Couto d' Chandos descendant of Fornjot "the Ancient Giant", King of Kvenland by the line of his grandfather Rollo - Duke of Normandy.
The Head of State of the Order as a sovereign subject of international law is the Prince Grand Master of the Order as a historical institution. As Sovereign Head of State, the Grand Master holds the inherent sovereign, chivalric and ecclesiastical Fons Honourum which is vested in the Order itself in its own right. This is the legal basis for official Crown authority of the Order as a sovereign non-territorial principality.
In 2019 the Grand Master Lord Lamont Couto d' Chandos, His royal highness, by the grace of God, Grand Prince of the Principality of Château of Saint Sauveur, is the 72th and current Grand Master of the Order and Head of the Royal House of MacDonnell Lamont Couto d’ Chandos. In 2020 the principality of Château of Saint Sauveur was restored in a non territorial and immaterial way, to maintain tradition and the royal titles of succession.Accordingly, the authentic Templar Order de-emphasizes individual personalities, and does not support the dominating influence of any particular individuals, strictly following the historical Templar motto “Non nobis Domine, sed nomini Tuo da gloriam”: “Not to us, Lord, by to Thy name give the glory”. Upholding these core principles, the Government of the Templar Principality does not “rule” nor impose “governance” over its members or participating organizations. Rather, it serves to represent its membership, representing the national identity of cultural Templarism, while guiding the historical institution by its original doctrines as proven by the historical record. Indeed, this must be the necessary function of any true “government” – to listen to and faithfully represent the rights and interests of its people, while guiding its public policy by time-tested humanitarian principles and fairness of the Rule of Law. All members and participating organizations simply agree to abide by the Acts & Laws established by the Templar Government, as a contractual condition of interacting with and benefitting from this venerable historical institution. Government of Principality of Château of Saint Sauveur and the Sacred the Military Order Templar Knights of the Lord Lamont Couto are sovereigns subject of international law with inherent inter-governmental authorities in its own right, and does not require any recognition by nor affiliation with the United Nations (UN) to exercise its own independent diplomatic status.
Other institutions controlled by Principality of Château of Saint Sauveur:
Grand lodge of Château of Saint Sauveur of Normandy;
Grand Orient of Château of Saint Sauveur of Normandy;
The Supreme Council 33° of the Ancient & Accepted Rite for Château of Saint Sauveur of Normandy.
Other plots of land and territory under the care of the Government of Principality of Château of Saint Sauveur, the Sacred the Military Order Templar Knights of the Lord Lamont Couto and Sovereign Order UK:
"Appin - PA38 4BW - United Kingdom".
The Government of Principality of Château of Saint Sauveur, the Sacred the Military Order Templar Knights of the Lord Lamont Couto and Sovereign Order UK, owns land (plots) and other territories.
International law recognizes the “status of diplomatic agents” from all forms of nation states “since ancient times”, including historical sovereign entities of “differing constitutional and social systems” (UN Convention on Diplomatic Relations, Preamble; UN Convention of Consular Relations, Preamble; UN Immunities of States, Preamble: ¶5.) International law specifically requires that countries “shall not discriminate” against a historical form of nation state (UN Convention on Consular Relations, Article 47.1; UN Economic Rights of States, Preamble: ¶3, ¶7, Article 4).
Status as a sovereign “subject of international law” is binding upon all countries regardless of recognition (UN Law of Treaties, Articles 3, 38), with inherent diplomatic and consular relations (UN Consular, Articles 3, 1(d), 17.1) as a non-territorial state (UN Diplomatic, Articles 1(i), 3.1(a), 23.1, 30.1).
Diplomatic status is invoked with all privileges and immunities by presenting “Diplomatic Credentials” as issued (UN Diplomatic Relations, Article 13), exempt from accreditation or embassy registration (UN Diplomatic, Articles 1(i), 3.1(a)), without requirement of a consular post (UN Consular Relations, Articles 3, 1(d), 17.1), regardless of recognition (UN Law of Treaties, Articles 3, 38).
Immunities fully apply by the fact of sovereignty alone (UN Diplomatic, Articles 22-36; UN Consular, Articles 40-57).