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Prince Lamont Couto d' Chandos,  of Normandy des grands Carolingiens von Hohestaufen of Munsöätten of Eysteinsson of Møre and Romsdal of Burgundy of Anjou, His royal highness, by the grace of God, Crown Prince of Kingdom of Neustria, Grand Prince the Principality of Château of Saint Sauveur, 72th Grand Master of the Order and Head of the Royal House Neustria and the Royal House of MacDonnell Lamont Couto d’ Chandos. The Grand Master is supported by a Royal Deputation within the Order’s Grand Magistry in Ireland, Scotland the United Kingdom, his sole legitimate heir being the HRH Thiago Lamont Couto de Chandos.

Prince (of blood): In the 16th century, all descendants of French kings by male line (and who could therefore become heirs or ancestors of heirs if the king or dauphin had no sons) who were not sons of the king or dauphin were equated with peers of the realm and called "princes of blood", the king's brother being the "first prince of blood", although they were usually also dukes or had other titles. This meaning was adopted even more widely in Russia from the 18th century onwards: all descendants, even distant ones, of the imperial family were entitled to be called "prince" (kniaz) and the title was also granted especially to certain families, bringing the number of Russian princes to over two thousand. Meanwhile, the brothers, sons and other direct descendants of the reigning tsar were distinguished with the title grand prince or velikiy knyaz, a title also translated as "grand duke", while the heir was the Tsesarevich (female Tsesarevna), literally "son of the Caesar (emperor)".  

In Germany, the sons and daughters of princes (Fürst), came to be called princes by blood, but by a different word in German (Prinz, feminine Prinzessin). In the 18th century, the title "prince" and "princess" was adopted in Britain for all sons and daughters of the king and male princes (although only the heir was "Prince of Wales"), but the practice was not generalised to other countries. In the Austrian Empire after 1804, similarly, the title "archduke" and "archduchess" came into use for all members of the imperial household, but only the heir was Archduke of Austria.

The Powers of His Royal Highness Lamont Couto d’Chandos of Normandy des Grands Carolingiens von Hohestaufen of Munsöätten of Eysteinsson of Møre and Romsdal of Burgundy of Anjou, Crown Grand Master of the Sovereign Order


Since the founding of the Order in 1356, His Royal Highness, the Crown Grand Master, stands as the supreme constitutional figurehead and central authority within the Sovereign Order. Drawing inspiration from the historical concept of a moderating power within certain constitutional monarchies, His Royal Highness ensures the harmonious interplay of the various organs of the Ancient Kingdom of Neustria, the Royal House of Neustria, the Royal Order of the Knights of Neustria, the Illustrious Royal House of MacDonnell Lamont Couto d’Chandos, the Sacred and Military Order of the Templar Knights of the Lord Lamont Couto, and the Sovereign Order of the Knights of the Lord Lamont Couto, thereby commanding the entire Sovereign Order.


1. The Moderating Power of the Crown Grand Master

In likeness to the moderating power exercised in certain constitutional monarchies, the Sovereign Order endows the Crown Grand Master with a distinct authority beyond the Executive and Legislative Powers. This Moderating Power is reserved exclusively to His Royal Highness, who safeguards the Order’s equilibrium, ensuring that no institution deviates from its fundamental purposes or succumbs to irreconcilable conflicts.


Through the exercise of this Moderating Power, His Royal Highness may:

            •          Freely appoint and dismiss senior officers of the Order, including regional administrators, ministers overseeing various portfolios, and Councillors of the Sovereign Order.

            •          Select, from lists submitted by regional councils or subordinate assemblies, those members of deliberative chambers who shall be deemed worthy, thereby ensuring these representative bodies remain aligned with the vision and objectives of the Sovereign Order.

            •          Veto proposals or resolutions originated by internal legislative entities. He may also dissolve assemblies and summon new elections or appointments whenever deemed necessary to preserve political cohesion.

            •          Grant amnesties and clemencies, acting as the pivotal guarantor of internal order, pre-empting prolonged disputes or systemic injustices.


2. The Executive Authority

All executive bodies, including the Council of Ministers and other administrative institutions, operate under the supreme authority of His Royal Highness, the Crown Grand Master. As such, His Royal Highness:

            •          Appoints and dismisses ministers responsible for essential spheres of the Sovereign Order’s governance, including finance, justice, defence, maritime affairs, and external relations.

            •          Serves as the central figure in formulating and guiding the Sovereign Order’s internal and external policies, determining strategic directives and imperatives.

            •          Retains the prerogative to sanction or veto resolutions proposed by consultative or deliberative bodies before they take legal effect.


3. Influence upon the Internal Legislature

Even in the presence of a bicameral legislature or multiple chambers, whether elected or appointed, His Royal Highness, through the Moderating Power, exerts a profound influence over the legislative process. Thus, His Royal Highness may:

            •          Dissolve legislative assemblies, prompting the renewal of their membership should they stray from the best interests of the Sovereign Order or impede sound governance.

            •          By selecting members of the deliberative chambers, ensure these institutions remain steadfastly aligned with the overarching principles and directives of His Royal Highness.


4. The Sovereign Order’s External Relations

His Royal Highness, the Crown Grand Master, stands as the foremost architect of the Sovereign Order’s external relations. While certain accords and treaties may require internal consultation or ratification, His Royal Highness:

            •          Appoints diplomats, ambassadors, and international representatives who align foreign policy with the strategic interests of the Sovereign Order.

            •          Negotiates treaties, agreements, and alliances, securing the Sovereign Order’s prestigious position within the international sphere and ensuring that it retains the honour and eminence befitting its august traditions.

            •          His Most Serene Highness, the Grand Master, by virtue of His exalted station and supreme authority, may confer noble and chivalric dignities, as well as all other ennoblements and hereditary honours, attendant upon the Ancient Kingdom of Neustria, the Royal House of Neustria, the Royal Order of the Knights of Neustria, the Illustrious Royal House of MacDonnell Lamont Couto d’Chandos, the Sacred and Military Order of the Templar Knights of the Lord Lamont Couto, and the Sovereign Order of the Knights of the Lord Lamont Couto. In so doing, His Most Serene Highness preserves, perpetuates, and elevates the grandeur, honour, and venerable traditions of the Sovereign Order.


Note: Just as all officers and dignitaries of the Sovereign Order and those serving the Ancient Kingdom of Neustria, the Royal House of Neustria, the Royal Order of the Knights of Neustria, the Illustrious Royal House of MacDonnell Lamont Couto d’Chandos, the Sacred and Military Order of the Templar Knights of the Lord Lamont Couto, and the Sovereign Order of the Knights of the Lord Lamont Couto were historically required to report to the Crown Grand Master, so too must all members of the Sovereign Order today—whether they be Grand Chancellor, Installed Master (1st Class and 2nd Class), Grand Prefect (1st Class and 2nd Class), Grand Prior (1st Class and 2nd Class), Grand Treasurer, Grand Secretary, Sovereign Grand Cross (SGCC), Grand Cross (GCC), Grand Commander (GCOMC), Grand Official (GOC), Commander (COMC), Official (OC), Sovereign Knight (SK), Grand Knight (GK), or Knight (KN)—render full account of their duties and conduct to His Royal Highness. All remain subject to His supreme authority, ensuring that the Sovereign Order’s noble ethos and venerable traditions endure.

Direct Ancestors of Prince Lamont Couto d'Chandos

  • Rollo - Duke of Normandy, Count of Rouen was a Viking who became the first ruler of Normandy, Rollo, through his descendent William I of England, the seventh Duke of Normandy (founder of house Normandy), is the 32nd great-grandfather of Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom;

  • Harald I Fairhair, King of Norway, Fairhair dynasty;

  • Gaius Octavius Augustus Caesar, the first Emperor of Rome;

  • Emperor Eutropius of The Roman Empire;

  • Saint Matilda of Ringelheim, who was of "royal Danish and Frisian blood”;

  • Emma, of Alemannia, Duchess of Swabia;

  • Hedwig of Babenberg, Duchess of Saxony, Elder House of Babenberg;

  • Widukind, dux Saxonum;

  • Cunedda Wledig "Imperator" ab Edern, Brenin Lothain a Gwenydd, Progenitor of the royal dynasty of Gwynedd;  

  • Owain Gwynedd ap Gruffydd, King of Gwynedd from Kingdom of Gwynedd, Royal dynasty of Gwynedd; 

  • Prince Aeneas Of Troy, Royal House of Troy;;

  • King Brutus I of the Britons “Legendary Brutus of Troy”, Royal House of Troy;

  • Founder of Cornwall Corineus;

  • Dagobert I Neustrie, Merovingian king;

  • King Alfred the Great, House of Wessex Cerdicingas;

  • King William The Conqueror,House of Normandy;

  • Henry II of England, Plantagenet dynasty and House of Angevin;

  • Richard the Lionheart, King of England, Plantagenet dynasty and House of Angevin;

  • Fulk, King of Jerusalem;

  • Ingegerd Olofsdotter of Sweden, Munsöätten dynasty of House of Yngling;

  • Attila, King of the Huns;

  • Ivan Vladislav Tsar of Bulgaria, Cometopuli dynasty;

  • Yaroslav I of Kiev, Rurik dynasty;

  • Helgi "The Sharp", King of Ringerike, House of Yngling;

  • Fornjot, King of Kvenland,House of Yngling;

  • Chindasuinth, Visigothic King and Empereur d'Espagne 

  • Clovis I, King of the Franks, Merovingian dynasty;

  • Arnulf of Metz, Frankish bishop of Metz, Merovingian dynasty;

  • Charles Martel - Duke and Prince of the Franks, House of Carolingian (founder) and House of Arnulfings;

  • Emperor Carolus Magnus, Carolingian dynasty;

  • Princess Hildegarde de Vintzgau;

  • Pelagius of Asturias, Astur-Leonese dynasty 

  • Niall of the Nine Hostages, was an Irish king, the ancestor of the Uí Néill dynasties; 

  • Kenneth I (Cináed mac Ailpín), Alpínid dynasty, Clann Chináeda, and Clann Chinaeda meic Ailpín;

  • king of Germany Henry I "The Fowler”, Ottonian dynasty;

  • Otto "the Illustrious" von Sachsen Duke of Saxony, Ottonian dynasty;

  • Reginhilde of Friesland;

  • Princess Aslaug Sigurdsdatter of Denmark;

  • Ragnar Lodbrok of Denmark and Sweden;

  • Princess Geva of Denmark;

  • Friedrich I Barbarossa Holy Roman Emperor, Hohenstaufen dynasty;

  • Hugh Capet, King of the Franks, Capetian dynasty;

  • Philip I of France, Capetian dynasty;

  • Anne of Kiev, Rurik dynasty;

  • William IX Duke of Aquitaine, first Knight Templar, belongs to the Anjou dynasty;

  • Queen Eleanor of Aquitaine, House of Poitiers;

  • Saint Joan of Arc, Anjou dynasty;

  • King Solomon of Yisrael, House of David;

  • Rabbi Yahia Ben Yahia III;

  • Íñigo Arista of Pamplona, Iñiguez dynasty and Navarrese dynasty;

  • Manuel de Castela, House Castilian House of Ivrea;

  • king D. Afonso Henriques, House of Burgundy and Afonsine Dynasty (founder);

  • king Afonso III of Portugal House of Burgundy and Afonsine Dynasty;

  • Philippe Simas Martel Chandos d’Aquitaine, House of Aquitaine.



Temple where the meetings are held 


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